Journal of Mathematics and Culture

A Peer – Reviewed Journal Sponsored by the North American Study Group on Ethnomathematics

Journal Content: The journal’s contents examine the intersections between mathematics and culture in both western and non-western societies, and among both math professionals (such as university mathematicians, mathematics educators, and cryptologists) and non-professionals (such as carpenters, indigenous healers, and hair stylists). We define culture broadly, to include all scales: ethnic groups, nations, labor communities, religious traditions, professions, and so on. Particular aspects of culture examined might include broad social dynamics such as race and gender, or micro-practices such as dancing or computer programming. Mathematical practices include symbolic systems, spatial designs, practical construction techniques, calculation methods, measurement in time and space, specific ways of reasoning and inferring, and other cognitive and material activities which can be translated to formal mathematical representation. Of particular interest are educational studies which take the classroom setting into account, such as pedagogical applications of ethnomathematics.

Review Process : An editor and at least two peers, chosen from the Editorial Board or from among authors of submitted manuscripts, will review each submission.

Submission Guidelines: Please click here for submission guidelines. Articles may be submitted in English, Portuguese, or Arabic.